Isa Lazo on Location - Make Everywhere Home

The Isa Lazo promise;

A promise to you, your skin and the earth we live in. 

A carefully constructed mix of ingredients that grants transportation to a clearer mindset. To a space where harmony is familiar, so wherever you find yourself, you can make it feel like home.


The bond between your body and your mind can easily fall out of synchronisation. A simple reset found in the application of a familiar product can alter your mindset, reduce tensions, and transport you to a serene space. Deep-rooted within our classic collection is a core understanding of this connection between inner and outer wellbeing. The formulas are carefully crafted in a way to breathe life into what is needed for a healthy mind-to-body balance. They have been studied, tested, further developed, and delicately infused - going hand in hand to create harmony.



Modern-day stresses are a constant in the reality of life - they can be found on every corner, in every traffic jam, every delayed flight, every spilt drink. To be able to harness control of these situations and manifest your own ritual of calming is a powerful and soothing concept. Afterall, well-tended bodies echo strong spirits.


Isa Lazo on location

There is a strong emphasis placed on bricks and mortar in providing a home - an expectation that a physical space will provide all of the security and nurturing that is needed to level serotonin levels and put your mind at ease. There is value in taking a two-layer approach; a physical, and a mental home. Without solid foundations within the body itself - it is impossible to expect this to carry through into all other aspects of life. 

We are on a quest to find parallels between physical spaces and our core values, we are recognising the importance of immersing yourself into environments that endorse the kind of state of mind you are seeking.



San Giorgio, a place we have found a genuine connection with, pushes the boundaries of holistic design and the feeling of togetherness - a mirrored theory much like the synchronisation between the body and the mind. Situated on the ocean edge in Mykonos, it exudes a combination of light, air, and natural rawness. These earthy elements are a testament to nature and the feeling of serenity that comes with adopting them into your daily routines.



Travelling doesn't have to mean losing your sense of home. In synergy with San Giorgio's ethos - “we’ve made San Giorgio this place where you walk around and you feel like part of the family,” our core collection boasts the same connotations. Make everywhere home.

Isa Lazo travel companions, coming soon.